miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013

Love and death: Can't be separated (karla Manzo Paredes)

    According to the story, we, as the readers, tend to think love can make everything posible. Unfortunately, as the play follows we realise there is no chance for the couple to survive from their true love. Love that seems to be pure as they live for each other; there is no more infatuation or a any fantasy which may them think or believe  is love, because it  actually is!

     Besides, the concept of love was considered quite different to what we think it is nowadays. In the play, this complex feeling was described as an idealistic one, because at that time, people used to getting married without compromising emotions whatsoever. The confrontation of love takes place here, which must fight against political authority, values and destiny.

    Romeo and Juliet come from opposite families, and they know in advance that they should not be together ,otherwise their families would find the way of separating them at any cost. However, they decide to keep their strongs feelings, without measuring the tragic consequences of that magic and  magnificent love… transformed in tragedy.

    I would like to think that real love lasts forever , perhaps this particular one really lingered forever till eternity;nevertheless, it does not seems to happen in the current days. Actually there are less people who fight unceasingly for their feelings, no matter the obstacles or the people that may interfere in the relationship .

    Finally, I would like to add that even though this story is artificially true, it really made posible the reconciliation of the two families involved. It was not fair – at least for me – but “sacrifice” was the key for  the solution of their families’ forgiveness.

By Karla Manzo Paredes.

2 comentarios:

  1. I'm not sure up to what point the families reconciled, because if we keep in mind our human nature, we will see that after the disaster there is a moment in which everybody tend to reflect on the tragedy, but then they keep living as they did. And the errors are made all over again, as if the lesson was not actually learned.
    Of course, this is my own interpretation since there is no "Romeo and Juliet 2".

  2. The last point in your post is really important to understand Romeo and Juliet's love story. Their love is seen as an anomaly, and anomalies cannot exist in the world of Romeo and Juliet, and even though some characters play other roles to aid the couple in the fulfillment of their love, such as Friar Lawrence, these attempts are only delaying the inevitable: a non-possible relationship that, if sought too much, will end up in death. The audience watches this abnormal situation the whole play, but at the end everything returns to its right place.
    Joaquín Moya
